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Common Upload Errors

When you upload an app package to Loadly.io, whether it's an .ipa or a .zip (.app) file, the content undergoes processing to ensure certain critical components are in place for successful installation. Below are insights into the most frequent errors that arise during this validation phase.

Invalid Package

Loadly.io supports two types of packages for iOS applications:

  • .ipa file: This is created by Xcode using the Product > Build for Running on Device configuration, followed by Product > Archive, then navigating to Window > Organizer > Archives. Select the generated archive and proceed with Export > Save for Ad Hoc/Enterprise/Development Deployment.
  • .zip (.app) file: Manually generated after selecting Product > Build for Running on Device, navigate to the Products folder in the project view. Right-click on .app and choose Show in Finder, then zip the file in Finder.

If Loadly.io reports the package as invalid, revisit these steps to confirm proper execution.

Missing Embedded Mobileprovision

iOS applications require an embedded provisioning profile: a .mobileprovision file—within the package. This is automatically handled by Xcode since version 4.x.

Prior to this and for iOS 4.x, users had to manually install .mobileprovision files. However, this is no longer necessary. In fact, it's impossible on iOS 8+ as Apple has eliminated the "Profiles" section from the Settings app entirely.

During installation, the app verifies the presence of the mobileprovision file within the package, which determines the app's acceptance or rejection.

A missing mobileprovision file could result from:

  • Incorrect signing of the app: Review your project settings for accuracy.
  • Uploading a Simulator version: Apps built for the iOS Simulator lack provisioning profiles. Ensure you've uploaded the "-iphoneos" version instead of the "-iphonesimulator" one.