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App Icon Generator

Upload your 1024x1024 icon image, click generate, and download all sizes of your app icon instantly

iPhone - 8 different sizes and files
iPad - 9 different sizes and files
iOS marketing - App Store icon
watchOS - 8 different sizes and files
macOS - 10 different sizes and files
Android - 4 different sizes and files
File name
Change file name for all generated Android images

Click or drag image file ( 1024 x 1024 )

Support for a single image upload. Strictly prohibit from uploading company data or other band files

What is App Icon Generator?

Enhancing Your App’s Identity and Success with an App Icon Generator

An app icon is an image or symbol displayed in a phone’s application menu, representing a specific mobile app. It serves as a visual identifier, acting as the brand image users associate with the app. Much like your face is tied to your identity, an app icon is essential to an app's identity.

App Icon Generator is a streamlined online tool designed to simplify the process of creating app icons. By uploading a single image, our platform automatically generates all the necessary icon sizes required for different devices and platforms. This ensures your app maintains a consistent and professional appearance, without the hassle of manually resizing images. Perfect for developers looking to save time and maintain quality across their projects.

Supported Sizes

Supported sizes for your app icon generator: see which dimensions we offer
@2x (pixels)@3x (pixels) iPhone onlyUsage
120X120180X180Home Screen on iPhone
167x167Home Screen on iPad Pro
152x152Home Screen on iPad, iPad mini
80x80120x120Spotlight on iPhone, iPad Pro, iPad, iPad mini
58x5887x87Settings on iPhone, iPad Pro, iPad, iPad mini
76x76114x114Notifications on iPhone, iPad Pro, iPad, iPad mini
80x8088x8892x9280x80100x100102x102108x108Home Screen
48x4855x5558x5855x5558x5866x6666x66Notification Center
172x172196x196196x196196x196216x216234x234258x258Short look
@1x (pixels)@2x (pixels)
@1x (pixels)@2x (pixels)Usage
400x240800x480Home Screen
@1x (pixels)Usage


Features of our app icon generator: streamline your design process

Automatic Cropping - Upload your 1024x1024 icon, and we'll automatically generate all the sizes of app icons you need for various platforms.

Multi-Platform Support - Supports icon generation for iOS, Android, macOS, watchOS and more.

High-Quality Output - Ensures your icons remain clear and high-quality, no matter the size.

Multiple Format Support - Supports various formats like PNG, JPG, and SVG to meet different needs.

Steps to Use

Easy steps to get started with our app icon generator

1. Upload Your Icon - Select and upload your 1024x1024 icon file to get started.

2. Click "Generate" Button - Click the "Generate" button to create all the required icon sizes.

3. Download Your Icons - Download all your generated icons in a convenient zip file.

User Testimonials

What users are saying about our app icon generator

"This tool saved me so much time! Creating app icons has never been easier. Highly recommended!"

- John Doe (App Developer)

"I love how simple and fast this service is. It’s a must-have for any serious app developer."

- Jane Smith (UI/UX Designer)

"This app icon generator is a game changer for our workflow. It's incredibly easy to use!"

- Michael Brown (Project Manager)

Frequently Asked Questions

Common queries about our app icon generator: get the answers you need

What image formats are supported for icon upload?

We currently support PNG and JPEG image formats for icon uploads. Make sure your image is 1024x1024 pixels in size.

How long does it take to generate the app icons?

The generation process typically takes just a few seconds. Once completed, you can immediately download your icons.

Can I customize the icon sizes generated?

Yes, you can choose which icon sizes you need from the options provided, or select all standard sizes.

Is there a limit to the number of app icons I can generate?

There is no limit to the number of app icons you can generate. Feel free to create as many sets as you need.

How many colors should I use in my app icon?

When it comes to choosing colors for your app icon, use only 2-3 colors to create a simple yet appealing brand design. Using too many colors can make your app icon look cluttered and confusing, and can also make it more difficult to scale the icon to different sizes. The colors should also be in contrast with the background!

How often should I update my app icon?

Update your app icon when your brand logo or app design changes, or when platform design guidelines are updated. Consider user feedback and make changes when necessary to keep your app icon fresh and recognizable. Avoid updating your app icon too frequently to avoid confusion for users to establish a consistent brand identity.

Can I use the same app icon for both iOS and Android?

While it is possible to use the same app icon for both iOS and Android, it’s better to create separate icons for each platform to ensure optimal visual appeal and compliance with platform-specific guidelines. Each platform has different requirements for size, shape, and format, and using a single icon may result in distortion or loss of detail.

App Icon Generator: Best Practices

What our users are saying about us

What is an App Icon?

An app icon, generated using an App Icon Generator, is an image or symbol displayed in a phone’s application menu, representing a specific mobile app. It serves as the app’s visual identity and a key element of its branding. Just as your face identifies you, an app icon created with an App Icon Generator is crucial for an app’s design and success, impacting click-through rates, user engagement, and downloads.

App Store vs. Google Play

Optimizing your app icon involves understanding the design guidelines of both the App Store and Google Play. An App Icon Generator can help in adapting your design to meet these requirements:

  • App Store: Prefers clean, minimalist designs with bold shapes and colors. Icons should be 1024×1024 pixels. Use an App Icon Generator to ensure your design meets these specifications.
  • Google Play: Allows more complex designs with detailed graphics and shading. Icons should be 512×512 pixels. An App Icon Generator can assist in creating icons with these features.

Successful App Store icons are simpler, while Google Play icons can include more details and text.

Color and Contrast

Effective use of color and contrast is vital for your app icon’s visibility and appeal. Choose visually appealing colors that align with your brand, and ensure there is enough contrast to make the icon easily recognizable at small sizes. An App Icon Generator can help you test and select the best color schemes and contrasts to enhance visibility.

Shape and Composition

The shape and composition of your app icon influence user perception. Shapes can convey professionalism or playfulness, and the arrangement of elements impacts recognizability. For instance, Evernote uses a simple shape to highlight its note-taking function, while Instagram’s rounded shape reflects its playful nature. Using an App Icon Generator can help you create a simple, balanced design to ensure clarity at smaller sizes.