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Loadly.io: A Superior Alternative to DeployGate

In the competitive field of app distribution and testing, finding the right platform is crucial for developers. DeployGate has been a well-known solution for some time, but Loadly.io has emerged as a superior alternative, offering enhanced features, better pricing, and an improved user experience. This article will explain why Loadly.io is the better choice for app distribution and management, compared to DeployGate.

Comprehensive Features

1. Unlimited App Uploads and Downloads

Unlimited App Uploads and Downloads

One of Loadly.io’s most significant advantages is the ability to upload and download an unlimited number of apps. Unlike DeployGate, which may impose limitations based on your plan, Loadly.io provides unlimited uploads and downloads for free, making it ideal for both solo developers and large teams.

2. Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security

Security is paramount when distributing apps, and Loadly.io excels in this area. The platform uses advanced encryption protocols to protect your app files throughout the upload, distribution, and download processes. This ensures that your sensitive data and intellectual property remain secure.

3. Detailed Analytics

Detailed Analytics

Loadly.io offers comprehensive analytics, allowing you to track downloads, installations, and user engagement in real-time. This detailed insight helps you make data-driven decisions to improve your app. DeployGate offers basic analytics, but Loadly.io’s more detailed reports provide greater value.

4. Permissions Control

Permissions Control

With Loadly.io, you can manage who has access to your apps, setting permissions to ensure that only authorized users can download them. This feature is especially useful for managing beta testers or distributing apps within a private organization, providing more control than DeployGate.

5. QR Code Generation

QR Code Generation

Loadly.io simplifies the app distribution process with QR code generation for both IPA and APK files. Users can quickly scan a QR code to download and install apps on their devices. Loadly.io also supports merging QR codes for multiple files, a feature not available on DeployGate.

Cost-Effective Pricing

6. Completely Free Service

Completely Free Service

Loadly.io offers its services completely free of charge, with no hidden fees or limitations on app uploads and downloads. This makes Loadly.io a cost-effective solution for developers of all sizes. DeployGate, on the other hand, requires a paid plan to access many of its features and to lift usage limits.

7. Flexible Premium Plans

Flexible Premium Plans

While Loadly.io is free, it also offers flexible premium plans for users who need additional features or support. These plans are designed to cater to different needs and budgets, providing excellent value for money.

Superior User Experience

8. User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

Loadly.io features a user-friendly interface that makes app distribution simple and efficient. The platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, even for users who are not tech-savvy. Uploading and distributing your apps can be done quickly and efficiently, enhancing productivity.

9. Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Loadly.io integrates seamlessly with continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) tools, facilitating the automation of the build and deployment process. This ensures that your app is always up-to-date and ready for testing or release, offering more robust integration than DeployGate.

10. Excellent Customer Support

Excellent Customer Support

Loadly.io is known for its superior customer support. The platform offers a dedicated support team that is responsive and ready to assist with any issues or questions you may have. This high level of support is a major advantage over DeployGate, where customer support can sometimes be less responsive.


While DeployGate has been a popular platform for app distribution, Loadly.io offers a superior alternative with its comprehensive features, enhanced security, detailed analytics, and cost-effective pricing. The user-friendly interface and excellent customer support further enhance the overall experience, making Loadly.io the better choice for app distribution and management.

For more detailed guides and updates, visit our website Loadly.io.

By choosing Loadly.io, you are opting for a platform that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of app developers, ensuring a smooth, secure, and efficient app distribution process.

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